On December 13, 2021, IMEDCARE held o到雪n-site guidance and training of唱草 Sonastar ultrasonic surgical suctio睡道n device and COMPASS surgical n國自avigation equipment in Kunming, 得店Spring City.
In this training, Sonastar CUSA山書 and COMPASS navigation manufacturers那木 were specially invited to 訊風conduct product knowledge匠站 and sales market training. Th山校e main leaders and marketing K店喝ey personnel of IMEDCARE par草市ticipated in this training. After th內新e training, IMEDCARE’s sales mana紅物gers had a lively discussion with th水快e manufacturer’s technical expe子友rts, and actually operat技中ed Sonastar CUSA and COMPASS navi廠關gation manufacturers.
Through this training, IMEDCA坐還RE’s marketing and sales personne討河l have become more familiar with th拿山ese two new devices, str要弟engthened their confidence, a大冷nd laid a good founda村雪tion for market promoti購玩on in 2022.