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In order to continuousl民的y improve the quality of se答行rvice, Meike Innovati懂日on welcomes your valu黑路able comments. Please tell us in 路亮the following ways. Your participati南志on will help us improve our 民在products and service廠他s.


We pay special attention to protecti什作ng the personal informa技去tion of our customers. Your pe綠劇rsonal information wil現但l be protected. We only collect樹能 and store your information for理新 contact purposes. Unde體數r no circumstances will we provide兵我 your personal information to 行林a third party outside of our co放站mpany, or use your persona劇到l information for any other purpose土事. Our employees have received 秒電professional training,數城 know how to handle personal土跳 information correctly,器看 and will comply with relevant regul北微ations on information protection.微件