Artificial Dura Substi間都tute for spine

As a physical barrier placed on到農 the exposed parts of operat煙音ion after laminectomy, 信麗the artificial dura is for separating 什姐from external muscle, ligament and s吃喝pinal column, and for avoiding電件 the nerve root adhesion, f喝都or preventing from complica妹生tions caused by adhe如秒sion; the material is pol東西ytetrafluoroethylene(e-PTFE), One sid什吧e is smooth surface, th制信e other side is pattern su志生rface.

clinical applicability

laminectomy is commonly perfo聽說rmed in the traditional operati匠低on treatment of prolapse of lumbar i站喝ntervertebral disc, The postop拍外erative average failur關舞e rate is 15%. Fiber adhesi遠山on of the epidural space lead to re可吃current symptoms after lum術章bar operation. It is件匠 clinically applied in surgical opera麗務tion for posterior spine.

Excellent biological com弟信patibility, Permanent isol又鄉ation of non-adhesion

● e-PTFE material 10 milli美化ons cases of clinical i用花mplantation in recent 60 yea又地rs.

● Widely used in cardiovascular an風下d soft tissue reconstruction, an科錯d maintaining long-term stabilit笑唱y in the physical struct樂暗ure.

● To preventing the adhesion caused b明民y the fibrous and scar tissue aft煙如er biodegradable artificial materials.錢一

● Avoid the Fluid anti他中-adhesion materials whic刀好h is easy flow, easy dil看件ution, easy absorption.

Double design, realization of diff土又erent clinical needs

Smooth face with po信家rosity smaller than 5 microns, and the 媽也relative to dura of spi草笑ne, avoiding the cell adhes說風ion and tissue ingrowth, allowing快資 movement of dura and ne黃草rve root.

A porous structure surface with 靜答porosity of 20-40 microns, allow山自ing the fibers tissue ingrowth, maint吧睡aining interior position stable機現 and averting interior removal.