April 7th, 2011, So媽時physa hydrocephaly trea件算tment seminar was hel但身d in the First Affiliate花銀d Hospital of Zhengzhou Un舞員iversity. The meeting focused東個 on issues related to hydrocephal金來us academic discussion. We invited 微物Prof. Laijun Song, director哥看 of the First Affiliate靜科d Hospital of Zhengzhou U東都niversity, as the ch著頻airman. We also invited Prof. Ge J黑她ia, director of Tiantan Hospital, and P說身rof. Xiaoyong Li, director o自車f Aviation General Hospital, to give sp房又eeches and live broadcast劇來 of sophysa shunts surgery. Almost 30能湖0 doctors from Henan provin跳通ce joined this meeting分低.
On the broadcast shunts surgery, we i為光ntroduced the most advanced Polaris ad東土justable valve and the la些街test generation lumbo-peritoneal s議呢hunt. The MRI compatible adjustab數習le valve and the high effic我跳iency LP shunt left a deep 筆們impression.
Hydroceph自熱aly treatment seminar
The part姐國icipants