April, the 27th, Chris笑這tophe Boyer, the Chie弟嗎f Engineer of Sophysa SA, 慢北came to China as the invitation of上秒 Tiantan Hospital, and好明 gave a fully training of met飛自hods and precautions of Sophysa IC一書P&ICT Monitor.
Almost 150 doctors 內飛and nurses took part in this meeting唱河 and they all knew the S船這ophysa Monitor’s operating rules and re師藍gulations, they also kne近算w that Sophysa SA is t聽玩he market leading among the C學機SF management. After 醫文the meeting, doctors said the digi科厭tal zeroing techniques and im為科plantation time tips does improve 工學the clinical convenience.
iMedcare, as the dist了為ributor of the Sophys樂理a SA in China, focus on pr紙匠oduct sales and marketing, 也明also committed to the most res店訊ponsible for the service.
Doc. Christophe is showing the dig朋計ital zeroing
The doctors and nurse場書s